Friday, July 2, 2010

Album a Day (Tribute/Compilation Edition): Various Artists - From Russia With Love: A Russian Tribute To Pigface

I'm always a bit skeptical about tribute CDs because you often wind up with one of two scenarios: either the vast majority of the bands on the tribute can't do the original material justice or the bands on the tribute are far superior to the undeserving recipient of the tribute. The first scenario isn't necessarily the bands' faults because most great covers come out of the band/artist's connection to a particular song/band which necessitates a cover: Amanda Palmer loves Radiohead so she decides to cover a Radiohead song. This decision on the part of the artist/band can help motivate for a better cover because they feel they owe something to the material or they've heard it so many times that they can put their own unique take on it (as will be the case with Palmer's upcoming ukulele tribute to Radiohead out this summer). A tribute CD may collect one or two of these songs that exist but the need to fill a CD means that some bands are going to get recruited for the tribute and there's probably a deadline. The second scenario has generally been the fault of Cleopatra Records (whom we all loved when they were a real label kind of like when MTV used to play videos) who for years felt the need to put out tribute CDs on a regular basis because compilations sell and die-hard fans apparently buy tribute albums. At first we got some pretty good tributes to bands like Metallica (like em or hate em they deserve a tribute and it produced some great material) and though the Marilyn Manson one seemed premature it was pretty good, but then there was a "Goth/Industrial" tribute to Linkin Park and THAT is where I just draw the line. With all of that in mind I wasn't really sure what to think when I heard there was a tribute to Pigface. Pigface is already an eclectic band made up of so many artists that I wasn't sure what a bunch of covers would do but THEN I heard it was a Russian tribute to Pigface. This is a great tribute! Put together by Andrey "box (I swear that's how it's spelled) who fills the Martin Atkins role by contributing to several tracks, this CD is less of a tribute to the actual music of Pigface and more a tribute to the spirit in that there is a lot of experimentation with the tracks and while they may serve as a framework, most of the time the songs come off as original creations (perhaps adaptations more than anything). Several of the bands including Andrey "box's Boxhead, Spiec Boys, Crovj S Molokom, and Brompton's Cocktail are much more on the experimental end of the music and create somewhat of a meditation on Pigface with new interpretations. I particularly like the contribution NHL with a cover of Hips Lips Tits Power (here titled in Russian as Liajki Siski...Htl Power) which is very punk rock and you haven't heard raw until you hear post-communist Russian punk rock covers of industrial songs. I also really like the more traditional cover of Asphole by Arzamas-16. What I just find amazing about this CD is that halfway across the world you have a scene of musicians that are clearly inspired enough by another scene of musicians to come together and put together what is essentially a love letter to the one of the most influential bands in industrial music. There's something really beautiful about that. And you just have to appreciate the Bond-inspired titled and fantastic cover art by John Bergin. Favorite Tracks: Spiec Boys - Kiss King (Kolombo Mix), Brompton's Cocktail - Insemination, NHL - Liajki Siski...Htl Power, Das Reut - Ten Grownd & Down, and Arzamas-16 - Asphole

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